Submission criteria

Only proposals fulfilling the criteria listed below will enter the reviewing process.

Please note, you need to be an ECSS member to submit a proposal. Proposals can be submitted via your ECSS account.

The proposal submission deadline is 15 November 2024.

Plenary Sessions & Invited Symposia

  • The topic should be of substantial relevance and ideally have an impact on society in general.
  • For plenaries, the two speakers must represent two of the five main discipline areas of the ECSS:
    • Applied Sports Sciences
    • Biomechanics & Motor Control
    • Physiology & Nutrition
    • Psychology, Social Science & Humanities
    • Sports & Exercise, Medicine & Health
      Where this works well, the combination of a Social Science and Natural Science perspective will be preferred.
  • The speakers must not be affiliated with the same institute. Ideally, speakers should represent different countries.
  • The proposal must include different genders (chair or speaker).
  • Any invited speaker (plenary session or invited symposia) can only speak in one capacity (make sure to double-check with your proposed speaker that they are not committed to a second proposal).
  • All fields in the submission form need to be filled in as accurately as possible.
  • In addition to the session/symposium title, a short title version with a maximum of 36 characters (including spaces) must be provided for the session overview. Title and short title do not necessarily have to be different.
  • In addition to the abstract titles, short title versions with a maximum of 90 characters (including spaces) must be provided. Title and short title do not necessarily have to be different.
  • Abstracts are restricted to 3000 characters (including spaces).
  • The presentation format is PowerPoint (16:9).
  • Each presentation must be pre-uploaded either online via the ECSS account prior to the congress or in the Speakers Ready Room one day in advance of your presentation at the latest.
  • The use of your own laptop or USB stick is not permitted.

Submission types

Please choose the session type you would like to submit a proposal for:

Plenary Sessions

The plenary sessions represent the most important and prestigious sessions within the Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. During the congress, there is one plenary session scheduled each day, with no other sessions running in parallel. The plenary should focus on a ‘hot scientific topic’ of general interest to the sport science community.

The plenary is organised by one chair and supported by a local co-chair (from the local scientific committee of the respective congress, not to be suggested within the proposal).

The duration of the plenary is one hour and fifteen minutes in total (1h 15m). Each speaker (of two in total) has 30 minutes to give their presentation, leaving 15 minutes for a short introduction and discussion.

The plenary chair (not the co-chair) and the plenary speakers are entitled to waived congress registration fees, accommodation at the congress hotel during the congress days and an economy class return airfare to Rimini, courtesy of the ECSS.

As chair and/or plenary speaker we expect a contribution to the congress as follows:

  • Provide an abstract according to ECSS standards within the given submission period.
  • Present one 30-minute keynote during the congress.
  • Chair additional sessions within your field of expertise (oral/poster).
  • Allow for your session to be filmed and streamed to (YouTube channel). In addition, it would be appreciated, if chair and plenary speaker would actively participate in free communication in sessions of your interest during the congress.
  • Attend the majority of the Social Programme events throughout the congress.
  • Contribute to the publicity of the congress by meeting with media.
  • After proposal acceptance, please provide a short video with an explanation of what the session is about and its scientific relevance which can be shared via ECSS social media accounts to promote your session. Technical requirements will be provided. See examples here: #1, #2, #3.

Invited Symposia

Each invited symposium is organised by one chair and supported by a local co-chair (from the local scientific committee of the respective congress, not to be suggested within the proposal).

Each invited symposium has three speakers. One of them should act as chair.

The duration of the invited symposium is one hour and fifteen minutes (1h 15m) in total. Each speaker has 20 minutes to give their presentation, leaving 5 minutes for a short introduction and discussion after each presentation. Exact timings are left to the discretion of the chair but must not exceed the scheduled 75 minutes.

All invited symposia speakers are entitled to waived congress registration fees (does not apply to co-chairs). Accommodation and travel expenses are to be met by speakers themselves (same applies to co-chairs).

As chair and/or speaker for an invited symposium we expect a contribution to the congress as follows:

  • Invite and organise a session with three speakers (of which the chair should be one).
  • Make sure that abstracts of speakers are submitted according to the defined standards of the ECSS and within the given abstract submission deadline.
  • Chair additional sessions within the area of expertise (oral/poster).
  • Attend and where possible, actively participate in free communication in sessions of interest during the congress.
  • Contribute to the publicity of the congress by meeting with the media.
  • After proposal acceptance, please provide a short video with an explanation of what the session is about and its scientific relevance which can be shared via ECSS social media accounts to promote your session. Technical requirements will be provided. See examples here: #1, #2, #3.

At the end of the proposal submission (step 4/4), please upload a short CV (max. 2 pages as PDF file) for each speaker. After proposal acceptance, each speaker is asked to upload a profile picture (JPG file, max. file size 2MB) via their individual accounts to be used for speaker profiles on the ECSS congress website.


The 30th Annual Congress of the ECSS will take place in Rimini, Italy and is proudly hosted by the Universities of Bologna and Padova.
ECSS Rimini 2025 will take place in the modern Palacongressi di Rimini, built in 2011 and located close to the Rimini seafront and city centre.
Copyright © 2025 by the European College of Sport Science. All rights reserved.
The ECSS is a non profit organisation, dedicated to Sport Science.

Supported by SporTools GmbH