Qualitative studies have gained considerable importance in different research fields in sport science as they allow a deeper understanding of processes. Over many years, different approaches have been used in collecting and analyzing qualitative data. Examples include Grounded Theory, Documentary Method or Qualitative Content Analysis, which itself is sub-divided into different approaches. In contrast to quantitative analysis strategies, the analysis of qualitative data always requires an explanation of the chosen data collection and analysis strategy as well as of the precise application and undertaken steps. This so-called intersubjective comprehensibility is one of the most important quality criteria of qualitative studies.
This workshop will give early career researchers the opportunity to present and discuss their qualitative study project with an experienced expert and peers. This will help them to develop their research project,as well as informing those who are involved in the discussion and helping them to generate ideas on how to develop their projects. Thus, early career researchers in this masterclass will be supported within a trustful learning community of persons facing the same challenges. Projects in any research stage (beginning, mid-term, end) can be presented and discussed. The presentation should be no longer than 20 minutes, followed by a group discussion of 20 minutes. Those early career researchers who would like to present and discuss their project should submit an abstract latest one week before the masterclass (max. 2 pages, outlining the idea and (planned) methodology of the project), and the questions that should be addressed during the masterclass. Please mail your abstract to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If more than four early career researchers would like to discuss their projects, the date and time of submitting the abstract to Professor Grimminger-Seidensticker decide which four abstracts will be selected for this  opportunity (first come, first served principle).
Date: Tuesday, 1 July
Time: 09:00 – 11:30
Session room: Orologio
Please register for this Masterclass via the official ECSS Congress App as soon as it is released towards the end of May.
Prof Elke Grimminger-Seidensticker
Paderborn University
Department of Exercise & Health, Paderborn, Germany
Paderborn, Germany
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