All applications for the ECSS Young Investigators Award (ECSS YIA) are checked to ensure they fulfil the administrative requirements of the award. Following a rigorous review process, the applicants that proceed to the final stage of the competition are selected. These applicants have the opportunity to present their work to the jury during the ECSS Annual Congress.

The top ten candidates in the oral and the top four candidates in the conventional print poster category will be announced on Thursday afternoon. All 14 winners will be invited to the Uniting Excellence in Sport Science (UESS) Reception on Thursday evening.

The presentations of the four oral finalists will be held on Friday afternoon again. The winners will be announced during the closing ceremony of the congress.

The top three candidates from the ECSS YIA oral presentations will be invited to represent the ECSS as exchange delegates for JSPFSM – ECSS’s exchange partner in Japan. The winner of the ECSS YIA conventional print poster presentations will be invited to represent the ECSS as an exchange delegate for ESSA –ECSS’s exchange partner in Australia.

Important notice: An ECSS YIA award winner cannot be a GSSI award winner at the same time and vice versa.

The 30th Annual Congress of the ECSS will take place in Rimini, Italy and is proudly hosted by the Universities of Bologna and Padova.
ECSS Rimini 2025 will take place in the modern Palacongressi di Rimini, built in 2011 and located close to the Rimini seafront and city centre.
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