Below are the key dates for ECSS Rimini 2025. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries regarding these dates.

Proposals & Abstracts Deadline
Invited & plenary proposal submission 15 November 2024
Opening of registration & abstract submission 1 January 2025
Abstract submission 14 February 2025
Notification to authors 1 April 2025
Awards & Travel Grants  

Application for:

ECSS YIA Travel Grant
ECSS Travel Grant
GSSI Sports Nutrition Award

14 February 2025

Notification to applicants:

ECSS YIA Travel Grant
ECSS Travel Grant
GSSI Sports Nutrition Award

1 April 2025

Application for:

GSSI Young Scholar Travel Grant

14 April 2025

Notification to applicants:

GSSI Young Scholar Travel Grant

21 April 2025
Congress Registration  
Early bird payment 15 April 2025
Payment for presenting authors 9 May 2025
ECSS Rimini 2025 1-4 July 2025


The 30th Annual Congress of the ECSS will take place in Rimini, Italy and is proudly hosted by the Universities of Bologna and Padova.
ECSS Rimini 2025 will take place in the modern Palacongressi di Rimini, built in 2011 and located close to the Rimini seafront and city centre.
Copyright © 2024 by the European College of Sport Science. All rights reserved.
The ECSS is a non profit organisation, dedicated to Sport Science.

Supported by SporTools GmbH