Submission guidelines
EJSS’ submission guidelines can be found here.
Competition to publish in the journal is high. Here are some tips from our Editorial Team:
- Be novel, be original and seek feedback from colleagues.
- Think: originality, significance, importance. Do the best science you can.
- Use an Editor or editing service.
- Take advantage of the review process.
- Use the resources available.
- Read all about the journal you are submitting to, including back copies.
- Follow the instructions!.
- Spend plenty of time on abstract and title.
- The job is not done when it’s accepted. You need to communicate your research through social media avenues. Be creative and use infographics, videos or video abstracts.
Don’t submit:
- Something of no scholarly interest.
- Work that is out-of-date.
- A duplication of existing, published research.
- Incorrect or unacceptable research.
Submit your manuscript to the European Journal of Sport Science here!