Mixed methods research allows scientists to draw inferences using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Mixed methods approaches can bring many advantages when answering complex questions and generating comprehensive data and can provide deeper insights and understanding that may be missed when using only one method. However, conducting mixed methods research also has its challenges. These challenges can be minimised via thorough planning and the inclusion of appropriately skilled researchers.
In this Masterclass we will work together to:
- Define mixed methods research and identify examples of research questions that fit within a mixed methods approach.
- Describe the advantages and challenges of using mixed methods approaches.
- Compare and contrast mixed methods research designs using real world examples.
- Evaluate various analysis tools and approaches in mixed methods studies.
- Examine and provide feedback on selected abstracts using a group discussion format.
This 150-minute workshop will provide an opportunity for a maximum of 4 early career researchers to present and discuss their mixed methods study with an experienced expert and peers. This interaction is intended to provide insights into how to develop their research project, as well as to inform those who are involved in the discussion and helping them to generate ideas on how to develop their own projects. Thus, early career researchers in this masterclass will be supported within a supportive learning community of people experiencing similar challenges. Projects in any research stage (beginning, mid-term, end) can be presented and discussed. The presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes, followed by a group discussion of 20 minutes. Those early career researchers who would like to present and discuss their project should submit an abstract no later than one week before the masterclass (maximum 2 pages, outlining the idea and methodology being considered or already planned for the project) and the questions that should be the primary focus during the masterclass. Please email your abstract to Professor Janice Thompson at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If more than four early career researchers submit abstracts, four abstracts will be selected by Professor Thompson that provide a range of methodological examples and topic areas to stimulate discussion and enhance learning.
Date: Tuesday, 1 July
Time: 09:00 – 11:30
Session room: Borgo
Please register for this Masterclass via the official ECSS Congress App as soon as it is released towards the end of May.
Prof Janice L. Thompson, FACSM, FECSS
Emeritus and Honorary Professor of Public Health Nutrition and Exercise
University of Birmingham
School of Sport, Exercise & Health Sciences
Birmingham, United Kingdom
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.